Results for 'Amber Blanco White'

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  1. Ethics for unbelievers.Amber Reeves Blanco White - 1949 - London,: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
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    A pilot study of neonatologists' decision-making roles in delivery room resuscitation counseling for periviable births.Brownsyne Tucker Edmonds, Fatima McKenzie, Janet E. Panoch, Douglas B. White & Amber E. Barnato - 2016 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 7 (3):175-182.
    Background: Relatively little is known about neonatologists' roles in helping families navigate the difficult decision to attempt or withhold resuscitation for a neonate delivering at the threshold...
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    Blanco White: in partibus infidelium.Alfonso Lázaro & Manuel Escamilla - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 35:321-328.
    Recesión de J. M.ª Blanco White, Ensayos sobre la intolerancia. edición de M. Moreno Alonso, Caja San Fernando, Sevilla, 2001.
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    Nancy Prince's Utopias: Reimagining the African American Utopian Tradition.Amber Foster - 2013 - Utopian Studies 24 (2):329-348.
    Nancy Gardner Prince began writing and self-publishing A Narrative of the Life and Travels of Mrs. Nancy Prince in the 1850s, at a time when few African American women had the ability to do so. Her story tells of diaspora and of the systematic economic, cultural, and political oppression of free African Americans in the antebellum North. Raised by a mother unable to cope with the economic and emotional burden of raising eight children on her own, Prince spends much of (...)
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    Participatory Convergence: Integrating Convergence and Participatory Action Research.Laura Castro-Diaz, Anais Roque, Amber Wutich, Laura Landes, WenWen Li, Rhett Larson, Paul Westerhoff, Mariana Marcos-Hernandez, Mohammad Jobayer Hossain, Yushiou Tsai, Ramon Lucero, Griffin Todd, Dave White & Michael Hanemann - forthcoming - Minerva:1-21.
    This paper introduces the concept of “Participatory Convergence” as a framework to meet grand social-ecological challenges. Participatory Convergence combines the principles of Convergence Research with Participatory Action Research (PAR), offering a novel approach to tackling complex societal problems. Convergence Research seeks to foster high-level integration between diverse disciplines to address multifaceted issues, emphasizing systems thinking and solutions orientation; however, existing literature falls short in providing practical models for the deep integration of diverse disciplines, community partners, and community members. This paper (...)
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    M. Murphy, Blanco White: Self-banished Spaniard, Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 1989, pp. xii + 270.Cyprian Blamires - 1990 - Utilitas 2 (1):154.
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    From Domus to Polis: Hybrid Identities in Southey’s Letters from England (1807) and Blanco White’s Letters from Spain.Benjamin Colbert - 2019 - The European Legacy 24 (3-4):301-314.
    ABSTRACTRobert Southey’s fictive travelogue, Letters from England, by Don Manuel Alvarez Espriella, inspired several imitators, most importantly José María Blanco White with his Letters from Spain. These works rejuvenate a fictional device popularised by Montesquieu’s Persian Letters—the “familiar stranger”—at a crucial juncture when British involvement in the affairs of Europe provoked a reassessment of pre-Revolutionary cosmopolitanism. The stranger as home-interpreter calls attention to an emerging emphasis in European Romantic thought on the contingency of freedom with hybrid, mobile identities, (...)
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  8. El Rojo Y el Blanco: Notas acerca Del papel de las emociones en la scienza nuova.Gianfrancesco Zanetti - 2008 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 21 (22):138.
    A través de una comparación entre Vico y Hobbes se aborda la concepción de la política como un facere y el rol de las emociones, vinculadas a la biografía de los dos autores . El autor aplica el esquema de emociones rojas y blancas, basándose en la distinción de B. Williams y la utilización de A. Margalit. Esta herramienta la aplica a la clarificación de ciertas teorías políticas en Leviathan y en Scienza nuova.PALABRAS CLAVE: Vico, Scienza nuova, Hobbes, Leviathan, emociones, (...)
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    En el drama del liberalismo hispano y en la esperanza de la libertad.Manuel Escamilla Castillo & Alfonso Lázaro - 2020 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 34:419-424.
    Recensión de J. M. Blanco White, Bosquejo del comercio de esclavos, edición de M. Moreno Alonso, Alfar, Sevilla, 1999.
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    El debate abolicionista en el primer liberalismo español | Abolitionist debate during the first Spanish liberalism.José Martínez de Pisón Cavero - 2017 - Cuadernos Electrónicos de Filosofía Del Derecho 35:90-115.
    Resumen: España fue el último de los viejos imperios coloniales en abolir el comercio de esclavos. Inglaterra, una de las naciones más beneficiadas por el tráfico de personas, lo hizo en 1807. Con todo, desde primeros de siglos, surgió en España, en el seno del primer liberalismo, un inicial movimiento en favor de la abolición del comercio de negros. Este artículo trata de tres hitos: la defensa de la abolición del comercio negrero por parte de Isidoro de Antillón en su (...)
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    How We Speak of Nature: A Plea for a Discourse of Depth.John W. Mccarthy & Nancy C. Tuchman - 2018 - Heythrop Journal 59 (6):944-958.
    Once there were brook trout in the streams in the mountains. You could see them standing in the amber current where the white edges of their fins wimpled softly in the flow. They smelled of moss in your hand. Polished and muscular and torsional. On their backs were vermiculate patterns that were maps of the world in its becoming. Maps and mazes. Of a thing which could not be put back. Not be made right again. In the deep (...)
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    Yoga revolution: building a practice of courage and compassion.Jivana Heyman - 2021 - Boulder, Colorado: Shambhala Publications.
    A path to personal and community liberation through yoga philosophy on service from yoga teacher, activist, and accessible yoga advocate Jivana Heyman. Yoga is now a mainstream form of exercise across the West, and it is time to address the dissonance between the superficial way yoga is currently being practiced and the depth of yoga's ancient universal spiritual teachings. In this clarion call to action, Jivana Heyman shares the ways that yoga is truly revolutionary--creating an inner revolution in our heart (...)
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    La política del marco. Reescribiendo la injusticia de las fronteras de la ciudadanía.Francisco Blanco Brotons - 2017 - Revista de Filosofía 42 (2):275-289.
    This paper attempts to go more deeper into some ways to identify persons whose claims on justice are legitimate, trying to go beyond the traditional principles of territoriality and citizenship, which are considered inadequate for the current globalized world. Here we analyze the ideas offered from a theoretical perspective which seeks to relate the concepts of justice and democracy, extending the reflexive dynamics of politics beyond its traditional frontiers to the constitution of the demos itself.
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    Education for total liberation: critical animal pedagogy and teaching against speciesism.Anthony J. Nocella (ed.) - 2019 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Education for Total Liberation is a collection of essays from leaders in the field of critical animal pedagogy (CAP). CAP emerges from activist educators teaching critical animal studies and is rooted in critical theory as well as the animal advocacy movement. Critical animal studies (CAS) argues for an interdisciplinary approach to understanding our relationships with nonhuman animals. CAS challenges two specific fields of theory: (1) animal studies, rooted in vivisection and testing on animals in the hard sciences and (2) human-animal (...)
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    Education and the End of Work: A New Philosophy of Work and Learning.John White - 1997 - Cassell.
    This book engages with widespread current anxieties about the future of work and its place in a fulfilled human life.
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    Self‐prediction in practical reasoning: Its role and limits.Stephen J. White - 2021 - Noûs 55 (4):825-841.
    Are predictions about how one will freely and intentionally behave in the future ever relevant to how one ought to behave? There is good reason to think they are. As imperfect agents, we have responsibilities of self-management, which seem to require that we take account of the predictable ways we're liable to go wrong. I defend this conclusion against certain objections to the effect that incorporating predictions concerning one's voluntary conduct into one's practical reasoning amounts to evading responsibility for that (...)
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    Puzzles socráticos.Robert Nozick & Agustín Coletes Blanco - 1999 - Catedra Ediciones.
    Uno de los principales filosofos de nuestro tiempo, Robert Nozick, continua en este libro la tradicion socratica de investigacion. Este volumen ilustra la originalidad, fuerza y alcance de su obra, a la vez que demuestra su sello personal al combinar un extraordinario rigor analitico con un inteligente juego intelectual. A traves de ensayos y ficciones filosoficas, el libro abarca desde Socrates hasta Quine. Algunos ensayos ofrecen metodos clasicos para apoyar nuevas preguntas en torno a la eleccion. Otros, nuevas aproximaciones a (...)
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    Can erotic capital subvert masculine economy? Aesthetic work and the post-feminist approach to economics / ¿Puede el capital erótico subvertir la economía masculina? Aesthetic work y el enfoque postfeminista hacia la economía.Alicia Valdés Lucas - 2019 - Recerca.Revista de Pensament I Anàlisi 24 (2):87-108.
    The aim of this article is to elucidate whether and how the theory of erotic capital may function as a feminist tool to subvert the hierarchies and relations in current economy in favour of the empowerment and liberation of women. Thus, by analyzing the ways in which white, liberal feminism directly constructs its claims and petitions through the absorption of liberal epistemological dogmas, we intend to search the direct relation between the ideology developed by white, cisgender feminists and (...)
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  19. Social Thought in America: The Revolt Against Formalism.M. WHITE - 1957
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  20. Is Aristotelian happiness a good life or the best life?Stephen A. White - 1990 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 8:103-44.
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    Network Switchings and Bayesian Forks: Reconstruing the Social and Behavioral Sciences.Harrison White - 1995 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 62.
  22. Attention.A. R. White - 1966 - Philosophy 41 (157):281-283.
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    Can Unequal Quantities of Stuffs Be Totally Blended?Michael J. White - 1986 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 3 (4):379 - 389.
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    L'expression de la Subjectivite Dans Vespurgatoire Sant Patriz de Marie de France.Myriam White - 2005 - Mediaevalia 26 (1):209-222.
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  25. Descripción Y Categorización De Errores Fónicos En Estudiantes De Español/L2. Validación De La Taxonomía De Errores AACFELE.Ana Blanco Canales & Marta Nogueroles López - 2013 - Logos: Revista de Lingüística, Filosofía y Literatura 23 (2):196-225.
    Within the field of didactics of second language teaching, it is believed that phonic errors cannot be completely corrected due to the significant influence of L1. However, improving the processes of acquisition of an L2 implies learning pronunciation properly. Given the importance of pronunciation for communication, it is necessary to deeply know the nature of phonic errors, which requires a specific classification aimed to describe, classify and categorize them. This article is intended to test the validity and efficiency of the (...)
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    An Irish Saint in Eighteenth-Century Vienna: Johann Fux and the "Oratorio Volgare".H. M. White - 1985 - The Maynooth Review / Revieú Mhá Nuad 12:51 - 57.
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    11 Deontology.Mark D. White - 2009 - In Jan Peil & Irene van Staveren (eds.), Handbook of economics and ethics. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar. pp. 77.
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  28. Divide and multiply: culture and politics in the new medical order.Doug White - 1995 - In Paul A. Komesaroff (ed.), Troubled bodies: critical perspectives on postmodernism, medical ethics, and the body. Durham: Duke University Press. pp. 20--37.
  29. Humanism in the Americas.Carol Wayne White - 2021 - In Anthony B. Pinn (ed.), The Oxford handbook of humanism. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Leadership for an Emerging Democracy in Burma.Judith A. White & Don McCormick - 2012 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 23:14-25.
    This qualitative study examines the moral courage of leaders working for democracy and human rights in Burma. As Burma transitions to democracy moralcourage will be essential for leaders of civil society organizations as they face corruption, cronyism, and resistance to change. From interview data with nineteen leaders in Burma and Thailand, and a review of the literature we developed a conceptual model of moral courage that suggests that the relationship between moral motivation and the demonstration of moral courage was mediated (...)
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  31. Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume 161, Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, VIII.White Christopher - 2009
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  32. Rembrandt and the Human Condition.Howard White - 1974 - Interpretation 4 (1):17-37.
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  33. Edmund Burke on political theory and practice.Howard B. White - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  34. Afterword : manifesto time.Hayden White - 2007 - In Keith Jenkins, Sue Morgan & Alun Munslow (eds.), Manifestos for history. New York: Routledge.
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  35. Do Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Add up?John White - 2000 - British Journal of Educational Studies 48 (1):107-108.
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    Processes and the philosophy of action.Andrea White - 2020 - Philosophical Explorations 23 (2):112-129.
    While the concept event has been an important tool in our thinking about causation and action, the concept process has not been appealed to so readily. However, recently, several philosophers have...
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  37. The logic of historical narration.Morton White - 1963 - In Sidney Hook (ed.), Philosophy and history. [New York]: New York University Press. pp. 3--4.
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    El encanto de la duda en Doce hombres en pugna.David Blanco Cortina - 2019 - Escritos 27 (58):1-25.
    El presente artículo toma como excusa un análisis de la película Doce hombres en punga para introducir, con ánimo propedéutico, tres cuestiones: i) el núcleo conceptual de la retórica, ii) el razonamiento abductivo, y iii) la relación entre argumentación y emociones. Sobre la primera cuestión se proponen tres discusiones: el puesto del logos, el pathos y el ethos en la retórica, la relación entre retórica y dialéctica, y la idea de persuasión. Sobre la segunda se exponen las tres dimensiones de (...)
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  39. What Is and What Ought To Be Done.Morton White - 1983 - Mind 92 (368):631-633.
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  40. Aquinas on Oral Teaching.Kevin White - 2007 - The Thomist 71 (4):505-528.
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  41. Bacon and the Orphic Myth.Howard B. White - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  42. Bacon, Bruno, and the Eternal Recurrence.Howard B. White - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  43. (1 other version)Ethic.W. Hale White & Amelia Hutchinson Sterling - 1895 - International Journal of Ethics 5 (2):260-261.
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  44. Epilogue.Thomas I. White - 2007 - In In Defense of Dolphins: The New Moral Frontier. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 221–222.
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  45. Friendship Degree Zero: Aquinas on Good Will.Kevin White - 2011 - Nova et Vetera 9:479-518.
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  46. Frankfurt, failure, and finding fault.V. Alan White - 1998 - Sorites 9 (9):47-52.
    Harry Frankfurt's famous examples of overdetermined moral agents who are nevertheless responsible for their actions and omissions have long been hailed as proofs that the ability and/or opportunity to do otherwise is not a necessary condition for moral responsibility. In this paper I use recent clarifications of some of these examples by Frankfurt himself to show that their force relies in part on tacit ceteris paribus assumptions concealing a reliance on PAP that concerns matters of fairness in assessing moral responsibility.
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    Legal knowledge.James Boyd White - unknown
    What do we know when we know the law? Not a set of rules or theories, but a set of practices that are at bottom practices of reading--reading the texts of the law, reading the world--and writing (including of course speaking), especially writing in news ways in the inherited language of the law. Legal knowledge is a writer's knowledge. It always has as one of its deepest themes the question of justice. These themes are explored through an examination of the (...)
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  48. Propositional Tensing.F. C. White - 1977 - International Logic Review 15:97.
  49. Sonus Buccinæ Sive Tres Tractatus de Virtutibus Fidei, & Theologiæ [de] Principiis Earundem, & [de] Erroribus Oppositis. Quibus Accesserunt Quætio Theologica, de Gratia & Libero Arbitrio. Mens Augustini de Gratia Adami, & Ratio Villicationis de Medio Animarum Statu.Thomas White - 1659 - Sumptibus Joannis Kinckii & Sociorum.
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    Set Free!: Recognising and Healing Sexual Sin.John White - 1996
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